Ho trovato una sorpresa al mio ritorno.
C'e' un'altra donna in uffcio!
E' tunisina e, nonostante lavori in Libia da 5 anni, sopporta male i libici e la loro societa'.
Perche' lei arriva dal ramo occidentale (evoluto potremmo definirlo) del nord-africa. E anche se musulmana disprezza l'idea di coprirsi, infatti non porta neanche il velo.
Finora non sembra troppo simpatica, ma non e' neanche malvagia.
I had a surprise waiting for me upon my comeback.
There's another woman in the office!
She's tunisian and, although she's been working in Libia for the past 5 years, she can't stan Libian people and their society.
'Cos she comes from the western (we could define it evolved) side of North Africa. And even if she's muslim she despises the idea of covering up herself, as a matter of fact she doesn't even wear the veil.
For now she doesn't seem too friendly, but she's not bad either.