My family situation is complicated.
La situazione con mio padre e' complicata.
The situation with my father is complicated.
Per questo uscire a cena con mio padre e i miei fratelli e' stato bello.
For this reason it was nice going out for dinner with my father and my brother.
Last time it happened, that it was only the four of us, it was two years ago. Yes, before I graduated.
Cosi' siamo andati a Bergamo a mangiare sushi.
So we went to Bergamo to eat sushi.
In realta' mio padre, da quando e' stato in Giappone, ha sempre qualcosa da ridire sul sushi fatto in Italia dai Cinesi, ma stavolta e' stato bravo.
Actually my father, since he went to Japan, always has some comment about the sushi made in Italy by Chinese, but this time he was nice and silent.
(quasi) riusciti a non alzare la voce.
So we ate, talked and (almost) managed not to raise our voices.
Per la grande occasione James, che e' un'aspirante stilista, ha passato in rassegna i nostri look per assicurarsi che fossimo "cool" o comunque presentabili.
For the big occasion James, who's an aspiring fashion designer, went through our looks to make sure we looked "cool" or in any case presentable.

It was definitely a successful night.
belle foto :)
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