giovedì 23 dicembre 2010

Almost Xmas

A me del Natale non me ne frega niente.
Non sono cattolica, e cattolica lo e' solo parte della mia famiglia.
Il Natale indica solo un'occasione giustificata per spendere soldi, per quanto mi riguarda.
Spendere soldi e mangiare come maiali.

La miglior festa del consumismo che esista.

Pero' sono un po' triste di passarlo in Libia invece che a casa.


I don't give a damn about Xmas.
I'm not catholic, and catholic is only part of my family.
Xmas only represents an occasion were u're justified to spend money, as far as I'm concerned.
Spend money and eat like pigs.

The best cosumerism festivity there is.

But I am a little sad to spend it in Libya instead of home.

1 commento:

  1. Awww...
    Christmas is about hope for humanity, not the church, Catholics or greedy consumers. It's about hope and peace for every single person no matter what nationality,race,color,gender. Its sad so many people don't understand this. I hope you have a nice time with your friends in Libya and get to talk to your family back home. Stay safe :)
    Happy Holidays XOXO
